We have some exciting news about the future of Cat Person. Read the press release.

Our Meal Plan Delivery

How It Works

Cat quiz
Take Our QuizTell us your cat’s penchants. We'll suggest a Meal Plan.
Open delivery box
Get Your Starter BoxUse your Starter Box to see which recipes your cat likes best.
Customize Your PlanYou have two weeks to change up your Meal Plan before the first monthly order ships.
Circular arrows
We'll Deliver to Your DoorGet your Meal Plan box every 4 weeks at 10% off. Edit, delay, or cancel anytime.

Why Start a Meal Plan?

The easiest wayto keep them happy & healthy.

checkmarkSave 10% on every subscription
checkmarkDiscounted shipping
checkmarkEdit or cancel anytime
checkmarkNo more schlepping to the store
checkmarkCustomized to your cats

What Sets Our Food Apart

Big BrandsCat Person
High ProteinUp to 2.5x more than AAFCO standards.X iconCheckmark icon
No FillersFree from corn, soy, & other grains.X iconCheckmark icon
TransparencyNo fine print or confusing labels.X iconCheckmark icon
For Cats of All AgesYes, even kittens and grandcats.X iconCheckmark icon

Frequently Asked Questions

30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 
30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee  • 
Cat eating Cat Person food in Mesa Bowl
Man holding his pet cat
Close up of wet food texture
Cat sitting on canopy bed
Cat smelling Cat Person package
Cat smelling Cat Person package
Cat playing with catnip toy
Ready to Try Cat Person?Get Started